Podcast #4: Freelance Lessons and Navigating Grief with Katie Thompson

This week we are delighted to welcome our very first guest, Katie Thompson of Katie Lingo, a freelance copywriter, proofreader and content marketer based in York, UK.

Ellen connected with Katie in 2020 on Twitter while growing her freelance network and they soon bonded over shared experiences including studying Spanish at uni and losing a parent to Pancreatic Cancer in 2019.

In this episode, we chat about how Katie started freelancing, her plans for growing Katie Lingo and how she coped with grief while running a business. If you liked this video, please consider subscribing – we release a new episode every Sunday afternoon all about mental health, freelancing and the bits in-between!

We’re also on Spotify, listen to audio-only here: https://open.spotify.com/show/6htLhMVe74dotgfIdv2MLm?si=QR-2WRFnRwGgeW_lP-2Tcg


🔗 Professional Copywriting and Proofreading Services from Kate Lingo: https://www.katielingo.co.uk

​ 🔗 Follow Katie on Twitter: https://twitter.com/katielingoyork